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Congratulations! You are in charge of planning the engagement party. Which means you need to come up with engagement party themes that please the happy couple. You want something that is unique, but not crazy.
And you want it to be something that makes not just the couple happy, but also provides a great time for the family and guests. Plus, it might be nice if it didn’t cost a fortune.
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Fortunately, coming up with creative engagement party theme ideas doesn’t have to be as complicated as planning the wedding. In fact, if you follow a few simple tips, planning a fantastic engagement party will be one of the easiest things you’ve ever done.
How to Pick an Engagement Party Theme
It may seem like diving in and planning the party immediately after the engagement announcement is the way to go.
After all, you want to have the engagement party soon after the engagement and long before the other showers and the actual wedding. But, it’s important to take a step back and spend a little bit of time planning the party to make sure you don’t get in over your head.
Consider What The Couple Wants
Sure. It’s easy to go with “the happy couple” as one of the engagement party theme ideas. And, let’s face it, that’s probably easier on the wallet, too. But, think about who the couple is and what they like. How did they meet?
Is there a great story that you could build a theme around? What hobbies do they like? Are they really into classic cars, gaming, or camping? These are all things you can use to start a list of engagement party theme ideas for the party.
You should also keep in mind what the couple might want to share with party goers, and what they might not want to share.
For example, “things for the honeymoon” might sound like a great idea for a theme (and gives the guests ideas for presents). But, some couples may not want to receive gifts that could be a bit too personal in front of coworkers or some family members.
Think About Guests
Image via Pixabay
Think about who is attending the party and what they might like. While great engagement party theme ideas shouldn’t be picked based on the guests’ likes and dislikes, you should take them into account.
For example, older party guests may not appreciate the hubbub of a casino themed engagement party, while younger guests might get bored at a tea party themed party. Talk to the couple and figure out together what the happy middle might be for the party theme.
Who Is Paying For The Party
If you are the only person paying for the party, you might be able to steer the theme one way or the other. But, if other people are paying, you may have to make some compromises. And that’s OK. With more people chipping in, you may be able to invite more people or have more food options.
Also, it is entirely possible that this couple will have more than one engagement party or shower. So, while you may have to compromise on this party theme, it is possible you will be able to have more input if you are helping plan another engagement party or shower.
Be Patient
While this is a happy time in the couple’s life, it can also be a stressful time. If it feels like one or both members of the couple are being unreasonable, take a break from the planning then try again later.
Remember, there’s a good chance they are trying to please everyone, too. So while you may think you’ve got the perfect engagement party theme, the couple may disagree with you.
Let them have their say, no matter how crazy it might seem to you. It might help them reduce their stress, making planning the engagement party easier on everyone.
The Where And The When
Where you have the engagement party could impact the theme you ended up choosing. For example, if you have the party at a bar, you might not be able to pull off the garden engagement party theme ideas you’ve been considering. And, a party held on a Sunday morning may not be the best time to have a rock and roll themed engagement party.
What Will This Cost
Where and when you have the engagement party will affect the price. If you have it at someone’s house, obviously you won’t have a rental fee. But, you may be responsible for all the set-up, serving, and cleaning.
If you rent a venue, you won’t have to set up or clean up, but you will have to pay for the staff to do it for you. An engagement party held on a Saturday night will likely be more expensive than if you have it on a Sunday afternoon, or even a Friday night.
That said, it’s important to set a budget and stick to it. You don’t want to spend as much on the engagement party as the couple spends on the wedding!
10 Engagement Party Themes You May Not Have Thought About
Once you’ve talked to the couple, created a guest list, and set a budget, you can start planning the party. We’ve rounded up some great engagement party theme ideas to help get you started.
1. Wine tasting party
Image via Pixabay
For the couple that loves wine or perhaps met on a winery tour, consider a wine tasting party. Guests can bring the new couple their favorite wine as a way to start or enhance the couple’s wine collection.
For games, have the couple select some of their favorite wines, then do a blind tasting. You can hide each bottle in a numbered bag, then have each guest rate the bottle. Don’t forget the cups and, if you can swing it, send each guest home with a bottle of wine.
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2. Hit by Cupid’s arrow
Image via Pixabay
For some couples, low-key and generic are the best engagement party theme ideas. But, that doesn’t mean you have to go with “congratulations.” Consider “struck by cupid’s arrow” as a theme.
Celebrate the new couple’s love with some simple but celebratory balloons. Have guests write down their favorite bit of marriage advice to share with the new couple. You could include a personalized cake topper, so the couple has a special keepsake from the day.
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3. Romance in Paris
So, maybe the couple didn’t meet while traveling or in some romantic cafe. But, it’s hard not to think of love when you think of Paris.
Set the scene with the Eiffel Tower as the background and let guests take selfies in front of it — maybe even tagging it with a special couples’ themed tag on social media.
And, at the table, let people feel like they are in a Parisian cafe with napkins and centerpieces. When the party’s over, send guests home with a very sophisticated favor box.
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4. Glamping
Not everyone likes “roughing it” in the outdoors. Some people prefer a little more glam with their camping. For glamping engagement party theme ideas (or even a rustic theme), you can decorate the table with burlap table runners.
Add a burlap sign with a happy sentiment for the couple. To enhance the rustic look, use some funky looking candle holders on the tables.
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5. Cooking class
Maybe they’re the couple that loves to cook. Or, maybe they’re the couple that can’t cook. Either way, a cooking party is a fun, interactive way to get all the guests involved in the festivities.
You can either rent time at a cooking school, or have a chef come into your home and give the lesson there. Either way, you’ll want to make sure that guests are dressed for the party, so make sure everyone has the proper chef’s hat to look the part.
Or, if the crowd is more fast-food than fine-dining, consider a cook’s hat. For a favor, and to keep everyone clean during the party, you can’t go wrong with personalized aprons.
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6. Clambake
For the casual couple who may have met at the shore, consider beach engagement party theme ideas. For example, a clambake themed party is fun, festive, and laid-back. While it would be great if you could have the party at the beach, that may not be possible.
So, try to set the scene with a fishing net or two, either on the wall or on the table. Scatter seashells around the table if you can. Tiny buckets can be centerpieces, decorations, or even favor buckets.
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7. Movie night
The movie-loving couple might enjoy a screening of their favorite movie. While you might be able to rent out a theater, you could consider hosting the party in someone’s home theater, or even their backyard.
Cover the door to create a special VIP entrance, so every guest feels like a famous celebrity. Serve popcorn in theater style boxes. If the movie is going to be outside, don’t forget the screen.
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8. At a roller rink
An active couple might appreciate active engagement party themes ideas. While running a marathon is probably not in the cards, a night of roller skating might.
Perfect for people of all ages, the rink might even offer lessons for the less experienced skaters. Don’t forget to have some fun when the lights go down for glo-skating.
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9. Rooting for the home team
Sometimes the best party is everyone hanging out and watching the game. Engagement party theme ideas for the sports fan couple could include renting out a box for a game of their favorite team. With any luck, their team will win, only adding to the excitement of the day.
10. No more striking out in love
A hybrid of a sports themed party and an active party, a bowling themed engagement party brings together the best of both worlds. Easy for players of all ages and skill levels (thank you, bumpers!), bowling is a casual but active engagement party theme.
When the fun is over, you can send everyone home with their own mini-bowling lane so they can practice for next time. Or, send them home with a pin full of treats.
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Time To Get Planning
Now that you have some fantastic engagement party theme ideas, you can start talking to the couple about what theme they might prefer. It won’t matter if you’re planning the party for a sibling, a college roommate, or even a parent.
As long as you keep some of our tips in mind, planning a great engagement party that’s fun for all should be a breeze.